Orchid Multiplication Medium without Charcoal & Agar

Product ID : P793

Package size: 1 L  –  10 L  –  50 L

This medium is a modification of our Orchid Multiplication Medium by the deletion of charcoal and agar. It was originally developed for the multiplication of plantlets from Phaleonopsis flower stem nodal segments. This medium, when used in combination with Orchid Maintenance/ Replate Medium, provides a complete plant propagation cycle.

This medium has been used for protocorm production of Cattleya and Cymbidium species. The pH of this medium should be adjusted after adding a gelling agent and prior to sterilization.

Catégorie : Étiquettes : ,


Solubility Water
Physical Form Solid
Grams of powder to prepare 1 Liter 25.3
Product Number P793
Weight 0.0000


Shipping and Storage

Storage Temp. 2 to 8 °C
Tariff Code 3822.00.5090



Form: Powder
Appearance: White to Yellow powder
Application: Orchid Culture
Solubility: Water
Typical Working Concentration: 25.30 g/L
Storage Temp: 2 – 6° C
Storage Temp of Stock Solution: Preparation of concentrated solutions is not recommended as insoluble precipitates may form.
Other Notes: pH = 4.75 – 5.75


Formula (mg/L)
Ammonium Nitrate 825
Boric Acid 3.1
Calcium Chloride, Anhydrous 166
Cobalt Chloride•6H2O 0.0125
Cupric Sulfate•5H2O 0.0125
Na2 EDTA•2H2O 37.3
Ferrous Sulfate•7H2O 27.85
Magnesium Sulfate, Anhydrous 90.35
Manganese Sulfate•H2O 8.45
Molybdic Acid, Sodium Salt•2H2O 0.125
Potassium Iodide 0.415
Potassium Nitrate 950
Potassium Phosphate, Monobasic 85
Zinc Sulfate•7H2O 5.3
6-Benzylaminopurine (BA) 2.0
MES (Free Acid) 1000
myo-Inositol 100
α-Naphthaleneacetic Acid 0.5
Nicotinic Acid (Free Acid) 0.5
Peptone from Meat 2000
Pyridoxine•HCl 0.5
Sucrose 20,000



Application Notes
Plant Tissue Culture Tested
Plant species: Many epiphytic orchid species

This medium is a modification of our Orchid Multiplication Medium (P723) by the deletion of
charcoal and agar. It was originally developed for the multiplication of plantlets from
Phalaenopsis flower stem nodal segments. This medium when used in combination with Orchid
Maintenance/ Replate Medium (P668 or P748) provides a complete plant propagation cycle.
This medium has been used for protocorm production of Cattleya and Cymbidium species.
The pH of this medium should be adjusted after adding a gelling agent and prior to sterilization.

Safety Data Sheet


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